Five Easy Steps To Burn Fat
Posted on Saturday, September 13, 2008 and filed under fat burning guide , fat burning tips . You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0 . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry from your site
5 Easy Steps for Fat Burning
Fat Burning does not have to be difficult. Here are a few simple steps to follow and you are on your way to burning.
Here are five easy steps to turn your body into a fat burning machine.
1. Stay in motion.
You've heard that it's hard to hit a moving target? Well, the fat cannot hit you if you're moving either. Get rid of the remote control and stay off the couch. It's tempting to watch tv for periods of time, but as Oprah's trainer says "In order to burn fat, you have to move."
Another great tip about always moving is to stop parking so close to the grocery store or health club. Try parking far away and walking to your destination from your new parking spot. Your body will thank you.
2. You are what you eat
If you eat tons of fat, guess what you eventually turn into? You guessed it - fat. In order to burn more fat you need to eat less of it. Find foods low in fat and make them a part of your regular diet. A diet of healthy foods can assist your body in burning fat throughout the entire day. For example, a turkey burger can be just as tasty as a regular hamburger without the added fat.
Eat early and often.
Be sure to eat breakfast and keep eating every few hours throughout the day. This will keep your motor running and keep the fat burning. Don't miss breakfast, it is the most important meal of the day as it gets your body conditioned to start burning calories and fat.
Hit the weight room.
You don't need ot be a world class weightlifter, just mix in some barbells or dumbbells everyday. Building muscle burns fat. Building more muscle burns more fat. Simple as that. Be sure to consult a professional if you have never lifted weights before, you definitely want to make sure you lift weights the correct way in order to avoid injury.
5. Be sure to include cardio in your workout.
Nothing gets the body burning fat more than a great cardio workout, especially in the morning. Choose your favorite cardio exercise, whether it's walking, running or cycling`. When you include a good 20-30 minute cardio program each day, your body will burn fat at a record pace.
One last note.
It is imperative that you remain consistent with these five critical steps to fat burning. If you implement each step regularly throughout the week, your body will be a fat burning machine.
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